Wednesday, January 19, 2011


         Pepper is an ivy which needs a support to grow.A light of low intensity is enough for it to grow.It likes shadow.It doesnot have taproots. It can not absorb water and nutrients directly from soil.Different kinds of bacterea and fungi live around and iside the roots.Some of them are Micorhiza,Rhizobium bacterea,Actinimocytes,Protosova,Lichens.They form a hand like structure around the roots called Hypha.They absorb water and nutrients and give to plant.In return plants give one third of the food produced through photosynthesys.So whenever Chunam is added,all the fungi are destroyed.Boardo mixture may be more dangerouse as it kills too many microbes.The manures and insecticides kills all of the microbes in the soil.So automatically the plant also dies.
            In pepper, polination takes place through water.It happens only during 'THIRUVATHIRA NJATTUVELA,because of continuous raining.Once when king Samuthiri ruled malabar British men took pepper plants to england to cultivate it there.By seeing this many people requested king Samuthiri to stop it.They were anxious that it would decrease the expoting of pepper.But king Samuthiri replied them,"Dont worry! They can not take the THIRUVATHIRA NJATTUVELA FROM HERE". So  any life form,to survive,needs a combinaton of climatic condition,Biotic condition,Edaphic condition and topography.

1 comment:

  1. lanuagente katti onnu kuranhu...presentation s also nice..
